Ms. McInnis and the New Arts and Technology School by Alana Askew

This is Sonya McInnis’ 3rd year as principal of the Renaissance School of Arts and Technology. She told me a little about the school this week. The school recently added Academy of Information Technology to the curriculum because “Information Technology is one of the faster growing career fields with in the United States and the Charlotte region.” The school also offers the visual and performing arts program which includes dance, theater, interior design, art, and photography along with the technology classes. This school is preparing students for the world after high school. With classes and clubs to prepare students for post secondary opportunities such as computer programming, audio video productions, web design, game arts, graphics, and photography, students will be able to venture out into the real world for jobs after college. And speaking of college, the school helps students get internships to many companies to work and job shadow, and partner up with colleges such as UNCC and CPCC to take college courses to help them get ahead. The Renaissance School of Arts and Technology partners up with companies like Time Warner Cable, Microsoft, Discovery Place, Siemens, and many more to connect with students. They also partner up with foreign exchange students and invite students from all over the world to visit our school. You can clearly see that the Renaissance School of Arts and Technology has a lot in store for their students this year.